A downloadable game

Welcome to the Benchmarker!

This tool was created to make tests easily. The current version features:

  • "Flashcard" questions with multiple choice

That's all for now! I made this in an hour please spare my life.

The next versions will feature:

  • Clicking on an answer choice
  • Test results (with grade/accuracy)
  • Short-answer problems (which can be viewed at the Results page to be given a grade by the instructor if you have one)
  • The application won't close when you're done!
  • More settings to tinker with!
  • Easier editing of test.txt!
  • More test.txt files so you can have multiple tests saved!
  • Background music!


Benchmarker.zip 22 MB
Benchmarker Mac.app.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

Welcome to the Benchmarker!

Start by unzipping your .zip file! Put the application folder wherever you'd like! You can make a shortcut by right-clicking on your .exe/.app file and making a shortcut, then you can drag your shortcut onto your Desktop.

If you have a Mac, download Benchmarker Mac.zip!

Right click on your Benchmarker Mac.app, and press Show Package Contents. Then, locate Contents\Resources\Data\StreamingAssets\test.txt (a tedious process, but this is a prototype after all). You can also create a shortcut to test.txt (I think) to make this process less tedious!

If you have Windows, download Benchmarker.zip!

Go into your application folder, and locate Benchmarker_Data\StreamingAssets\test.txt (a tedious process, but not as bad as Mac!). You can also create a shortcut to test.txt to make this process less tedious!

Have fun!

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